Goose Bay radar during twilight in early November

Kevin Sterne is making a solo trip this week to the Goose Bay radar site to make repairs and install a Starlink satellite internet connection. He took...


Uploaded by Mike Ruohoniemi on 11/09/2023, 18:17:42   Category: VT

News articles

6-OCT-2023 > The transition from the old wiki tiki-based website to the new flask-based website took place during the week of September 18 - 22. We ar...


Uploaded by Mike R on 03/21/2022, 12:48:27   Category: VT

New Flask Based SuperDARN VT Website

Welcome to the new python based SuperDARN VT website. This website generates plots using a modified version of PyDARN, a python based SuperDARN data p...


Uploaded by Duke Hill on 08/10/2021, 12:54:28   Category: VT